go on spring break
get drunk
plan end of year party while drunk on spring break
621 presents BLACKOUT featuring tyler hansborough? sounds good to me.
create an event on facebook and send it to all your friends, cuz we all know word of mouf is the best advertising money can buy.
make fun of people who dont rsvp cuz they are wack as shit.
see over 100 confirmed guests
expect three times more
buy supplies, which include giant shroom shaped black light bulbs, specially ordered black plastic cups, and big ole bottles of bottom shelf liquor.
dont forget the grape kool aid. lots of it.
put all the breakable shit in the closet so it stays in one piece.
if youre name is greg, keep telling everyone thats worried about the rain that its gonna stop.
sit in your house and watch it rain. all day.
if your name is mike, bounce out on helping out to go to the hurricanes playoff game.
watch hurricanes lose.

more rain.
as soon as it gets dark out, go get fly and change into your blackout threads.
mix the shitty liquor and the koolaid. stir it up just a lil bit.
dump a whole two pound bag of sugar all up in that shit. stir it up just a lil bit.
kappa tappa kegga with mussell's super industrial strength robotic no hose tap.
start dranking.
bang out some jams, cuz everyone knows if you play it loud, they will come.
drank some more
see the rain stop and be merry.
see people show up.
see ladies looking fly all blacked out.
see more ladies looking fly all blacked out.
move some units and make that money.
get crunk. get high. get low.

dance dance, cuz these are the lives youd love to lead.
bring out two more kegs just to, you know, keep the party goin.
move some units and make that money.
go upstairs and break the seal.
have sloppy drunken makeouts.
get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuuuuuucked up.
watch greg go to work. watch mike holla. watch kelechi spit game. watch vic-tory treat all the women in the place real respectable-like, the ones hes not tryna fight at least.
watch three of them fail miserably.
get pissed cuz the cops show up, even though the music isnt loud at all. next time you should tell people not to stop their cars in the middle of the street in front of your apartment.
try to be polite to officer miss butch nasty while secretly dropping some yo mamma jokes from that new mtv show on her in your mind.
hide lora and lil paige in your bathroom when the cops come all up in your place clearing people out.

go home and go to bed
listen to victory come back from dook, bang on your door at 5am, take off his socks and pants and hop in bed with gregory paige.
get up, clean up, wrap up.
take lots and lots of pictures.
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