oh, and there was a headbutt in there somewhere too.
as an american who doesnt watch much football, zizou's forehead beatdown of six foot four marco materazzi is kind of a curious end to what appeared to be a glorious career. while we dumb yankees may not understand the global significance of the world cup, i dont think that zidane's headbutt will define his career.
i mean, babe ruth hit a whole lotta home runs and had a 2.28 career era, but nobody remembers him as a fat drunken racist slob do they?
i was cheering for the english side the whole way, just cuz englands matches were the only ones with decent crowd shots. all the other games just featured a lot of face paint and flags and chickens and fat diego maradonas. i dont know about you, but any red blooded football fan would much rather see mrs posh spice beckham in fuck me silly boots. and since her friend in the hat looks a bit tight-lipped in the twat department, making fun of her would be a highlight to say the least. i think it would go a lil sumthin like this:
ha, youre boyfriend's name is ashley!
and hes gay!
youre a carpet munching golddigger bitch!
see? more fun than a world cup penalty kick shootout. holla back.
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