when a person spends a good deal of time by themselves, they start out thinking that things are honky dory and that having some alone time is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
this person will do alot of things that they never had the chance to do when there were other people around like roommates and friends and the kind of drop dead gorgeous but desparately horny women that tend to spend the night every once in a while.
stay up till 4am.
sleep till 2pm.
drink beer at 2:10pm
drop a deuce with the door open.
watch porn with the sound turned all the way up.
but then, after doing all the fun stuff by yourself, as with all things, the novelty of the whole situation wears off. acutally, wears off is probably the wrong phrases for such a phenomenon. its more like a disappearing act in a poof of smoke than a slow erosion. one second, youre free from the prying eyes and the ignorant words of others, and the next second, youre alone.
but of course its really easy to see. after the first and second seasons of entourage! on dvd are over and youve put away a six pack by dinner time, all of a sudden you realize that, if you stand still and be vewy vewy quiet, you can hear the crickets really loudly.
its just like a scene from a movie. you know the one im talking about? the one where a person is talking and then boom! crickets and it emphasizes the fact that the actors are alone or its quiet or theres not shit going on around them.
my old roommate came into town on friday for the weekend. he makes his home in raleigh, but is working at a beach resort in the outer banks over the summer. he stayed at my place and we had a grand ol time. last night, a bunch of mutual friends came over to my humble abode and we drank lots of beer and played funny games with red plastic cups all night. its was fun to be around large numbers of people in my home, which hadnt happened in a while.
some how we made it up the big ass hill to franklin street, where all the bars and clubs are located in chapel hill. and even though there werent that many people out last night, it was a good time had by all. so good, in fact, that a total of four people crashed at my crib after all the fun was done. there was the old roommate, tomkat, his gf, poomba, the guy from virginia tech, elvis, and his curiously bubbly friend from durham, chewie. two on the couch, one on the futon, and one in a sleeping bag on the floor.
when they woke up in the morning, my house was a disaster area. cups everywhere, broken bottles, darts, ping pong balls. it was a mess, but my impromptu houseguests were the coolest people in the world and cleaned everything thing up.
when i got up and came downstairs a few hours later, i thought i was in someone elses house.
and then i realized i wasnt because, well
i was alone.
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