2. respond to above statement with multiple wtf's and object throwing.
3. having no internet gives me plenty of time to clean up the bachelor pad.
4. plot and scheme big party.
5. hopefully old and retired neighbors wont mind.
6. for the next few weeks, i get paid to sit in a room and read a book for eight hours a day.
7. i think that if college went something like that, i woulda done better.
8. big belated bday props to the one and only g dot nice aka gregorypaige.
9. girls, if you think trying to fit into that hot new pair of jeans is hard work, try keepin yo ass skinny enough to put on a tailored suit. that shit is snug.
10. no, the pictures of women do not have anything to do with the posts. no, i will not stop posting them. tipper gore, please stop emailing me.
11. that is all.
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