it was genghis khan a bazillion years ago that said:
maybe the burning bush on mount sinai understand the nature of man too, and thats why it told moses not to covet his neighbors wife.
because ultimately, in modern times, it is the coveting of someone elses women that defines the modern man's need to take. its why the plight of the tragic male hero on all the tv shows is the guy who wants the girls hes not supposed to have. case in point: greys anatomy, beverly hills 90210, sex in the city, and various others.
so the point of all this ranting above is that it is natural for humans to want to fuck someone theyre not supposed to want to fuck. this realization applies in all situations.
your friends girlfriend
your coworker
your boss's wife.
your neighbor.
these are all people you probably shouldnt sleep with for a multitude of reasons. does that mean you wont want to? no. does that mean you shouldnt want to? again no. people need to realize that you should fuck who you want, when you want, regardless of where they live, where they work, who theyre married to or how much they make. at the end of the day, its natural selection. everyone is free game, let the chips fall where they may.
for fucks sake
"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."most of the reason why khan was such a terror on the lands of asia for such a long time was that he was very in touch with the ruthless, aggressive ambitions of man. he didnt just want power and glory and possessions, but he wanted yours, and to take them from you, kill you, maim your dead body, stand over your remains and regal in his success. khan maybe have understood, more so than any else in history, the nature of man to covet those things that belong to others.
maybe the burning bush on mount sinai understand the nature of man too, and thats why it told moses not to covet his neighbors wife.
because ultimately, in modern times, it is the coveting of someone elses women that defines the modern man's need to take. its why the plight of the tragic male hero on all the tv shows is the guy who wants the girls hes not supposed to have. case in point: greys anatomy, beverly hills 90210, sex in the city, and various others.
so the point of all this ranting above is that it is natural for humans to want to fuck someone theyre not supposed to want to fuck. this realization applies in all situations.
your friends girlfriend
your coworker
your boss's wife.
your neighbor.
these are all people you probably shouldnt sleep with for a multitude of reasons. does that mean you wont want to? no. does that mean you shouldnt want to? again no. people need to realize that you should fuck who you want, when you want, regardless of where they live, where they work, who theyre married to or how much they make. at the end of the day, its natural selection. everyone is free game, let the chips fall where they may.
for fucks sake
let the chips "fall" where they may.
anyone else see the irony in that statement?
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