Wednesday, May 10, 2006

you know, there are a lot of women that want to sleep with me. this is not a new phenomenon, nor is it unwelcome. its quite a good problem to have, if there is such a thing. if you can handle a little lack of sleep and the occasional leisurely walk of shame, then read on. world travel! make money! this is the career for you son!

file the entire previous paragraph under "Pimps Annonymous Brochure: Introduction"

hell, one only has to follow the mobert to last night for a good example. us dudes and the ladies are just chillin out late night at the 621, and all of a sudden... (this convo is as best as i remember it, officer. )

alli says:
so mobert, you think you would have sex with me?

mobert says:
nope. thinks a long time.

alli says:
oh ok, whatever. gives mobert the oh no you didnt just say that look.


alli says:
are you for real?

mobert says:
are you calling me a liar?

alli says:
yeah i am, i do think you want to have sex with me.

mobert says:
no, actually im not.

alli says:
ok fine. acts like she doesnt care


alli says:
ok, so if you dont want to have sex with me, can you tell me why?

mobert says:
babe, you arent my type.

alli says:
see, thats bullshit, i think you want to have sex with me. pouts like a little brat.

moberts says:
try me.

alli says:
gives mobert an look.

it was now four ay em. many of us were ready for bed. alli wanted nothing more than to drink more vodka. interesting how a woman can tell you she wants to sleep with you without saying a word...

an interesting night indeed.


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