somewhere in between west tyvola and fairview i come to the realization that this is my life, and that ive earned every inch of it. ive worked my ass off just for this day, this single, sweaty, end of summer night and million more coming up just beyond the sunset. worked, just for this cush job, for this cush city, for these cush ladies and for this cush money. i walk into places and say things like keep the change and gimme that on the wall without a second thought anymore. imagine me doing that two years ago and you might hurt your brain.
if that doesnt work, try to figure out why your girlfriend is getting in a cab with me. oh i think they like me, better yet i know. its lights camera action when i walk though the door. hell, even the girl who cuts my hair cant keep her hands off me. lets just say that she cuts my hair for free now. on the side, if you will.
somewhere in between when we were younger and where we are now, you wonder how things would turn out, how the real world would be, how living life would actually feel. now i never slang crack rock or had a wicked jump shot but this, this, i have to say, feels pretty damn good.
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