good thing i wont be on that flight.
miami is very different from chapel hill north carolina. its a beach town, a big town, a diverse town with a lot of non white folks in it, and a town with a lot of fake tits in it too. the malls are crazy, like bal harbour for example, where the whole first floor has so many italian names on it, you would think you just checked into the Godfather Hotel. you gotta go up to the attic just to find a banana republic and you gotta pay. for. parking. throw all that together, mix well with pro sports stars and mtv parties on every corner and hot damn! you got yo'self one magic city. what kind of single red blooded twenty two year old male whos about to make more money than he ever has wouldnt want to call miami home?
the kind that already has a home, thats who.
ive lived in north carolina my whole life. its one of the best places to live in america. forbes magazine even says so. its great, and ive always been a big fan of great. theres just a whole lotta uncertainty about the future right now, and between botched weather forecasts and hospital drama finale plot twists, its hard to figure out what tomorrow may bring, let alone the rest of your life.
good thing i wont be on that flight.
fake tits? expensive clothes? who gives a shit if it's not what you want to do? All the images and clothes and people are fake anyways why even bother?
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