dear mobert,
where the fuck you been man? three months and no posts? do you know how much shit can go down in three months? i think you should post some pics or something to prove to the world that your still alive.
holla back,
dear reader,
i must admit, i am astounding at your unique mix of annoyance and eloquent curiosity. to make up for lost time (which i tend to do alot of), i will oblige you on two fronts. the first, you'll notice, is a new link to the left to the left entitled mo'pics. there you will find photographic evidence of not only what, but who ive been doing over the past three monthes.
on the second front, i have complied a list of my whereabouts and various and sundry doings during the last monthes, because lists are the keep is simple stupid way of blogging. here goes:
things that happen in three monthes:
- movies viewed= forty-one
- movies recommended for viewing= three
- those movies are= traffic, the departed, casino royale
- one coworker gots knocked up
- one coworker got divorced
- neither happened because of me
- i swear.
- two victories over dook
- one dook player leaves
- one loss in the tournament
- zero correct picks for the final four
- twenty dollars lost because of said pics

- number of 50+ pt games for kobe = 5
- number of 50+ pt gains for mobert = 6
- number of dollars made of said gains = enough to make it rain on dem ho's
- trips to: chapel hill, raleigh, st troupe, myrtle beach.
- number of late night queen city hot dogs eaten = 451
- number of timeout chicken biscuits eaten = 2
- number of times "where's hectors" was asked = 1
- number of pics on Mo'Pics = 70
- number to come = infinite
- number of mobert posts in the last two years = 48
- number of mobert posts in the last three monthes = one
1. work in paradise 2. best cheerleader pic 3. rip jason ray