greg thinks doing these survey things make him a fifteen year old girl. he is wrong. clearly, he does not have a myspace and doesnt know any better. apparently neither do i.
[my full name is]: Mobert Mosephus Danger Jones The Third
[my birthday is]: November Fif
[my age is]: wes miller, but bout to be michael jordan.
[my birthstone is]: something orange i think
[my horoscope is]: Scorpios fucking rule
[my zodiac is]: Scorpio. they fucking rule.
[my grade in school is]: 8th year senior.
[eye color]: Brown
[hair color]: Brown
[height]: bout 5'7 post haircut.
[weight]: thirty seven short.
[in the morning I am]: tired as fuck, but still well dressed.
[marital status]: gods gift to women. hows that.
[all I need is]: hbo
[love is]: all you need.
[if I could see one person right now]: the fine girl at the pool today. shiiiiiit.
[i dream about]: milk and cookies.
[could you live without the computer?]: sophomore year in college, i went for a full two months while my gateway was in the shop. when i moved into my apartment, i pulled another three week stint with no internet. go figure.
[my favorite color is]: Black
[my favorite animal is]: yo momma in the sack.
[my favorite food is]: whatever pops out the foreman grill.
[my favorite fruit is]: apples
[my favorite vegetable is]: lettuce. as in salads.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional
[me/you]: who the fuck are you?
[Coke/Pepsi]: red bull
[day/night]: nocturnal like a damn owl.
[jeans/khakis]: the days of casual pants are over. suit pants + blazer
[car/truck]: cars with big engines and trucks with big rims.
[lunch/dinner]: Dinner
[silver/gold]: platinum duh
[pictured your crush naked]: only with a camera.
[actually seen your crush naked]: only in the car.
[had sex]: only on the porch.
[imagined having sex]: only while having sex with another woman.
[been in love]: only wife of mine is a life of crime.
[fallen for your best friend]: nope, keep my enemies too close.
[been rejected]: rejection is for punks.
[rejected someone]: yeah, i just say "you got punked"
[used someone]: only women, but not all women.
[been kissed]: depends where
[been French kissed]: i got a french chick that
loves to french kiss
[drank alcohol]: the judge said i shouldnt answer that.
[lied]: only when i talk.
[done something embarrassing]: my lawyer said i shouldnt answer that.
[skipped school]: my parole officer said i shouldnt answer that.
[wished you were someone else]: my mistress said i shouldnt answer that.

[what do you notice first?]: FBB. go watch alfie and youll know what i mean.
[what's the most you've done with a girl?]: you mean this week?
[what's the most you would do with a girl as of now?]: drink her booze and give her cab fare.
[last person you slow danced with]: my life size princess leia cutout.
[worst thing to say]: "You smell poor." One word: sorority. This wasn't said to me, but just comes to mind when i see "worst thing to say" (seconded, greg)
[tall or short]: short, like about waist height...
[scruffy or clean shaven face]: i want a woman who has to shave more than i do.
[hairy or smooth chest]: two words: areola fur
[eye color]: Any and all.
[hair color]: depends where.
[long or short hair]: again, depends where.
[you talked to on the phone]: parental unit.
[you hugged]: my life size molly ringwald cut out
[you kissed]: im sorry, i was really drunk. i dont remember her name.
[you instant messaged]: sarah.
[you laughed with]: the entourage from work.
[have a crush on someone]: not sober.
[right/left handed]: right is might.
[smoke]: no, but ive been told my body does.
[obsessive]: nope, just compulsive.
[trust others way too easily]: trust no one.
[first best friend]: my life size chewbacca cutout.
[first date]: went to see seven years in tibet starring brad pitt.
[first girlfriend]: my life size debbie gibson cutout.
[first kiss]: in the back corner of the snack bar at the skating rink.
[first job]: bagger at lowes foods. pretty soon, i was runnin that shit.
[first screen name]: fuckyoupayme1983
[first self purchased album]: skee lo "i wish." what you know aobut dat?
[first funeral]: brooks' mom.
[first pets]: dog julie.
[first piercing/tattoo]: upper ear in mexico. more coming.
[first enemy]: the kid in gym class that always called me names.
[first big trip]: Korea. news flash everyone: its just Korea. kim jong may have lost his damn mind, but officially, by declaration of the goverment, its just Korea. save all that north/south bullshit for the dakotas.
[first play/musical/performance]: in the shower with a bar of soap when i was eight.
[last big car ride]: fifteen hour trip in thirteen hours to miami.
[last kiss]: my life size marilyn monroe cut out.
[last movie seen]: black hawk down.
[last beverage drank]: milk.
[last food consumed]: beef jerky and cheez itz.
[last phone call]: Think I answered this already.
[last shoes worn]: caramel johnson and murphy captoes. (better get yo shoe game up, greg)
[last item bought]: quiznos mesquite chicken sub.
[last soda drank]: red bull
[last ice cream eaten]: starbucks java chip.
[last shirt worn]: navy blue zoo york tee.
[last website visited]: the prosecutor said i shouldnt answer that.
[who has it easier-boys or girls?]: middle aged, married women.
[I want]: an xbox 360, dammit.
[I love]: paris in the springtime.
[I miss]: Carolina.
[I fear]: moths eating my suits.
[I hear]: my car alarm going off. fuck.
[I wonder]: when im gonna get that fixed. hmmmm...